Maryam Mehraban


Maryam Mehraban ist eine iranische Pianistin, Pädagogin und Forscherin mit dem Schwerpunkt zeitgenössische Musik. Sie studierte an der Kunstuniversität Teheran künstlerische Ausbildung, Hauptfach Klavier und als Nebenfach erlernte sie das persische Instrument Setar und wurde sowohl in klassischer europäischer Musik als auch in klassischer persischer Musik ausgebildet. Mehraban studierte ab 2015 im Studiengang „Künstlerisch-pädagogische Ausbildung“ an der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover und organisierte dabei interdisziplinäre Projekte. Seit ihrer Migration nach Deutschland widmet Maryam Mehraban sich der Aufführung zeitgenössischer Musik aus Europa und Amerika.

Maryam Mehraban was born in July 1989 in Tehran Iran. She started learning music at the age of 4 and entered the Tehran music school in 2003. In high school, she learned piano with professors such as Farideh Behbood and Amir Sarraf and in 2007 was admitted to the Higher School of Music. She continued her academic studies with Delbar Hakimova and Raphael Minaskanian at the Art University of Tehran.

Her master thesis, “A study of extended piano techniques in a selected number of works of the second half of the twentieth century” was nominated as the best thesis of her year. Working with living composers, analysing their pieces, as well as performing and recording contemporary music repertoire is considered a core part of her practice. 

In 2015 Maryam left Iran for Germany. She studied Instrumental pedagogy at University of Music, Drama and Media Hanover. Her notable Professors were Igor Tchetuev, Teppo Koivisto and Christopher Oakden. During her studies on piano and pedagogy, contemporary music was a major focus of her work, while having worked intensively with Tatjana Prelevic, Darlén Bakke and Snežana Nešić. As an active performer Maryam participated in many masterclasses with renown artists such as Rei Nakamura and Catherine Vickers.


Maryam interpreted works by Persian composers a. a. by Alireza Mashayekhi, Hooshyar Khayam, Karen Keyhani, Mohammad Reza Tafazzoli and Kiawasch SahebNassagh, including premieres and CD recordings. Since her migration to Germany, she has devoted herself increasingly to the performance of contemporary music from Europe and America. In November 2017 she premiered the work Intervalle by Gottfried Michael Koenig together with Raquel Marcos de la Rua in Hanover.

Maryam currently lives in Hanover Germany and is a doctoral candidate of artistic research at the Zurich University of Arts and University of the Arts in Graz.

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